Lefever Hill Rehabilitation Project Construction Day
Help repair the Rachel Carson Trail on Lefever Hill
- https://rachelcarsontrails.org/Members/sgmentzer/rctmd2017b
- Lefever Hill Rehabilitation Project Construction Day
- 2017-04-29T09:00:00+04:00
- 2017-04-29T14:00:00+04:00
- Help repair the Rachel Carson Trail on Lefever Hill
- WhenApr 29, 2017 from 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM (Etc/GMT-4 / UTC400)
- WhereLefever Hill lot
- Contact NameMark Eyerman
- Contact Phone412-492-0375
- Add event to calendar
Join a crew to rebuild the treadway at the top of LaFever Hill! We'll transport cut logs to the site, place them into position and secure them with wooden stakes, then back fill the area and top it with rocks to create a durable treadway. Work includes lifting and carrying, digging, pounding stakes with a sledgehammer, and moving dirt and rocks. Bring work gloves (spare gloves will be available), shovel, mattock/pulaski/pickaxe and water. Most tools will be provided. Meet at the small parking lot at the base of Lefever Hill at Costa Construction adjacent to the railroad tunnel.
This promises to be a fun day of dirty work — don't miss it!