- North Country Trail National Conference
NCTC National Conference is being held at Clarion University this year August 10th-13th. If interested in attending any time go to this website ...
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My Story - Baker Trail Maintenance
Cook Forest is an amazingly beautiful part of the Baker Trail and it is time for the spring cleanup! This maintenance is focused on loght cleaning, blazing, ...
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dbeard's Home - Baker Trail Maintenance
Mahoning Creek Lake Area Maintenance
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dbeard's Home
350-mile "Rachel Carson Loop"Two accomplished thru-hikers are tackling our very own trails.
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2019- Baker Trail Thru Hike
The Southern Trail Manager, Dewaine Beard, will be leading a thru hike of the Baker Trail from the northern trail head above Cook Forest to the southern ...
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dbeard's Home - Appalachian Trail Thru Hike Presentation
The Butler Outdoor Club is having their 14th Annual Dinner Saturday November 15th. Their guest speaker is Mark & Katy Frey who will present a program on their ...
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My Story - Baker Trail Maintenance
Final Baker Trail weekend maintenance!
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