Elliott, Deborah

Elliott, Deborah


Describe your background, interests, and vocation.

Currently, I'm working on the Project Management Team for Rycon Construction Millwork & Casework. I am a Registered Architect. My professional/personal life covers much of the design and construction industry. I grew up working in my dad's surveying business...I understand land development, topography and boundaries. Being a partner in an architectural firm improved my ability to problem solve and work with clients to create solutions.

I served as the Founding Board President for Construction Junction and subsequently joined the staff. While on the Board, a Strategic Planning process was initiated which guided us to set the short/long terms goals of the organization. This is a process that all non-profits can benefit from.

I have tried to improve my skillset with each new endeavor...whether it was snow shoeing, kayaking, comprehending new software programs, or creating a weekly newsletter. Improving oneself is an ongoing goal.

As a kid, I was always outside, exploring the woods, streams, flora & fauna nearby. I am fascinated with the natural world and its beauty. I promote a "leave no trace" precept. My passions include animal rights, creative reuse of found resources, photography, yoga, hiking and gardening.

I've been a member of the Harmony Trail Committee since Dec 2019. I have participated in cleanups, plantings, and other Harmony Trail events.

Why would you like to be on the RCTC Board?

Volunteering for an organization that I align with is most satisfying. I feel I could offer my expertise to develop structure for the organization, create a focused strategy for expansion, and expand volunteerism.

What makes you a good addition to the RCTC Board?

Previous experience on a Board of Directors, willingness to give, and passions for the mission.


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