January 12, 2005

Rachel Carson Trails Conservancy Board Meeting, Jan.12, 2005 MINUTES

Next meeting will be Feb. 9th - - 7 p.m. Todd's office as usual

Attending members: Todd Chambers, George Beckman, Charlie Brethauer, Patti Brunner, Marian Crossman, Peggy Hoburg, Steve Mentzer, Bill McIlroy, and Coordinator John Stephen.

WEBSITE: Steve has done a great job making the site clear and attractive. It lists current activities and plenty of background. Newsletters included.

SPEAKER: Eric Davis, of Procopio, presented on Non-Profit Fund-raising. He has extensive experience in the family-run business, mostly in eastern PA. Eric lives in Pittsburgh, neighboring John. He has good understanding of RCTC goals. Many are similar to those of other groups they have helped.

Eric described possibilities for doing an aggressive fund-raising in RCTC to follow up on the successful Rachel Carson Trail Challenge and 2004 merger of groups to support trail building. He would match the group with a number of funders who can select from specific projects RCTC has listed for funding. Amounts will be defined to include operating budgets to cover some of the additional costs. For a $6000 price the company will do a year of work, develop a non-profit business plan, create a bu dget, write the letters requesting funds (which can be used in future years), build the connections needed, and plan for next year's state grant applications. They will locate business people to help foster support, and RCTC will do the follow-up on the m. To prepare, RCTC must define the purchase or contracting costs and the outcomes for each specific project. Procopio will send updates to the funders. Procopio guarantees that our $6000 investment will be met, and expects to find solid funding for ou r projects.

After discussion it was agreed to retain Eric Davis of Procopio for the year, subject to John's further researching of their other successful contracts. Eric will prepare a draft contract. John will serve as the coordinator in arranging for information needed. 1) Bios of board members are requested. (Please email them to John) 2) Plan for photos of work in progress and events held to send to funders. 3) Expect RCTC need to spend $1000 for a professional Audit. 4) Survey and wetland deline ation of property from 910 south to Richard. 5) List in-kind services that are provided to RCTC by board and members. 6) Log volunteer hours, including travel time and attendance at meetings. MINUTES of the Dec. 8, 2004 meeting were approved as emailed.

FINANCE report submitted by Peggy was praised and approved. It clarifies assets in categories and lists contingent funding amounts for projects. Cash balance on 12/31/04, $19,918.91. John's invoice of $575 was approved. The financial summary of the year showed $99 ahead. Voted to donate $100 to the Keystone Trails Alliance in support of the statewide efforts.

PROPERTIES: Blue Heron Ridge land donation made in Escrow, 12/30/04. Awaiting the deed and lot description from Ed Thaner, for Gigliotti-S irera. This is the trolley corridor and stream valley from route 910 south to RCTC land joining the Brooktree valley site. Acreage and value will be defined.

VESTAL: Todd met with Doug Baird of Liadis Engineering regarding the Permit. Wetland delin eations are noted. Todd and Charlie will complete the permit application still needed before trail work can be done there.

Route 910 to RICHARD Road: John met with Gary Koehler and Joni Patsko of Pine Twp. who agreed to write support letters for the trai l, to submit in the DCNR application for $40,000 funding. The trail is in the Pine Township plans as a loop that will connect from old Wexford village area, via Blue Heron to Brooktree and then into North Park.

SPECIAL EVENTS: Steve met with Patty and four others to plan for the Ultra Marathon on the Baker Trail. Tentative date set for August 27, 2005. The possible routes were discussed. They may plan to have relay teams at the same time so more runners can be accommodated. Steve will check on further de tails of the routes to advise on the best location.

OLD BUSINESS: George has drafted a letter to municipal boards about retaining access for the Rachel Carson Trail when development occurs.

Patty reported that Brian Clark of the Armstrong Revitalizatio n Org. is to follow up on permission for use of the Kiski Bridge by hikers. He has her letter about it. The Freeport Council president hopes to engender more cooperation through the Kiski River Forest group, known to Doug Moore.

NEWSLETTER: Steve is p reparing for a February issue. Will work on a Membership Drive initiative, list spring training hikes. Todd will write a summary of the year, Other items by board members should be emailed.

NEXT MEETING: Feb. 9, 2005 - Adjournment at 9:35, M. Cros sman ô0