June 2, 2005

Attendees: Steve Mentzer, Patty Brunner, Dewaine Beard, Mark Eyerman, Dave Syiek, Jim Ritchie

Meeting started around 6:30 PM

Steve reviewed the status of the event.

We assigned roles to volunteers. They are:

Medals & Awards Director - Design, price, get approved, and order medals for finishers and awards for placers: Dave Syiek accepted.

Volunteer Coordinator - Define volunteer positions and find volunteers to fill them. Ensure each volunteer understands the responsiblities and can perform the required tasks. Develop specific work instructions for each position: Patty Brunner accepted.

Sponsor Recruiter - Solicit sponsorships in the form of merchandise or cash: Kevin Smith was proposed.

Course Manager - Responsible for making sure the course is navigable (clear & blazed) and safe and identifying problem areas for remediation, as well as notifying local police about the use of the roads along the course. Identify places on the roads like blind curves or hills where signs should be placed ("Caution: Runners ahead") to warn drivers: Doug Moore accepted via email. Mark Eyerman will assist.

Promotion Director - Publicize the event via the web, in relevant stores, etc. Get articles in local papers: Open.

Steve will identify the aid station/checkpoint locations every 4-5 miles using his map software for Doug to confirm feasibility.

Steve created the web page for the event here http://www.rachelcarsontrails.org/bt/ultrachallenge

Steve suggested for next year we model the event like the building of the transcontinental railway. Teams of runners start at both ends of the trail and run toward each other. The team that first meets in the middle wins. This will use nearly all of the trail each year. It will require a lot more volunteers and planning. It may be too much.

An ad for the Ultra should be placed on the main page of the RCTC site, like the Challenge "34 miles" ad is now.

Steve will check with Thad Turner at the YMCA about proximity to emergency medical services.

Patty will GPS the road section from Summerville to Corsica.

Jim listed these trail locations that need to be addressed (Course Manager responsible):

  • Route 66 crossing - fast traffic. The Marienville ATV festival may be that weekend, which will increase traffic. [Steve checked the web and the "Tour-de-Forest ATV Ride" was last month.]
  • Gravel Lick bridge landowner - Need to get permission to cross his 100' river frontage. His is the next to last cottage away from the bridge. Name unknown.
  • Spangler Run turnoff - Landowner changed hands. Need to let them know about the event.
  • Forest Road crossings in Cook Forest - Trail crosses several times. Need to warn traffic.
  • Fisher-Sigel road crossing - Warn traffic.
  • Mill Creek crossing - creek is about 20 feet wide and waist/chest deep. Perhaps have a boat there with a rope?

Next meeting date is Wednesday, June 29 at 6 PM. Neither Steve nor Jim can attend, both will be out of town. Patty will lead the meeting.

Patty set a Baker Trail maintenance weekend for July 16 & 17. Overnight camping in Cook Forest.

Meeting adjourned around 8:45 PM