Filter the resultsItem typeSelect All/NoneNewsletterPageSponsorMeasureNewsletter ArticleFolderNews ItemEventBiographyNew items sinceYesterdayLast weekLast monthEverSearch resultsSubscribe to an always-updated RSS feed.154 items matching your search terms.Sort byrelevancedate (newest first)alphabeticallyBaker Trail Work Day 8Blazing and clearing on the north section of the Baker Trail in preparation for the Baker Trail UltraChallenge.Located inMembers / sgmentzer's HomeVolunteer Appreciation PicnicAnnual picnic for all past, present, and future volunteersLocated inMembers / sgmentzer's Home / ArchiveBaker Trail Maintenance DayHelp clear the trail near Kelly StationLocated inMembers / sgmentzer's Home / ArchiveVolunteer Appreciation PicnicAnnual picnic for all past, present, and future volunteersLocated inMembers / sgmentzer's Home / Archive « Previous 10 items 1...13141516